Thursday, February 16, 2012

Growing & Caring for Trees : How to Fertilize Citrus Trees

Citrus trees like commercial fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphate and potassium, but also need micro-nutrients such as magnesium, zinc and sometimes iron. Keep a citrus tree well fertilized to bear delicious fruit withtips from a gardening specialist in this free video on trees. Expert: Jessica Smith Bio: Jessica Smith has worked in the gardening business for more than 22 years. She currently manages Blands Nursery in West Jordan, Utah. Filmmaker: Michael Burton

Sunday, February 12, 2012

New 30 Gallon Planted Fish Tank - 11/20/2009 This is my new 30 gallon fish tank. Its not done yet, Im going to put some more plants. The plant on the bottom is Dwarf Baby Tears or Hemianthus callitrichoides. I have a Current USA light fixture with 2 T5HO 39W bulbs. I just put in a bunch of Cherry Shrimp and they seem to be donig okay. I ordered 30 and they guy gave me what looks to be about 80. I have 7 neon tetras and 3 otocinclus.